Useful links to Librarians and associated organisations Fiona Collins is a hugely influential information professional who has worked in all IB programmes since 2006 in schools in Hong Kong , Shanghai, Kuwait and Korea.

Informative Flights - Professional Development, reading, social media, Special Interest. Nadine Bailey's blog is worth a read. The Queen of Libguides (in my opinion).

Katie Day - The Librarian Edge - An early mentor for me and continues to be.

Library Grits  - Dianne McKenzie's wondeful blog containing all insights into the IB continuum.

Stuart Crouch - Head of Senior School Libraries, International School of Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany. Works closely with Follett. Facilitates the IB Librarianship forum

Danny Glasner - Whole School Teacher Librarian at UWC Thailand in Phuket.

Zakir Hossain - expertise on Libguides; relevant and updated personal website.

Elizabeth Hutchinson - Works closely the FOSIL Group. Excellent twitter feeds. Recently (2020) awarded a BEM (British Empire Award) for her services to Libraries.

Klaudia Janek - MAME board member, Extended Essay Coordinator, IB Librarian, IB Workshop Leader, IB On-line PD Facilitator, IB Workshop Developer, ALA / AASL / YALSA member. Highly regarded. Modern, relevant and proactive information professional.

Anthony Tilke - author of THE must-have book for DP Librarians. Excellent writer; vastly experienced and highly regarded as a conference speaker and host.

John Royce - Workshops, advice & consultancy for teachers, librarians and students. Expert on academic honesty. Passionate and approachable.

Nadine Bailey - vastly experienced.

Kevin Hennah - Library interior design and inspiration.

Kim Tyo-Dickerson - passionate about all things reading.

Kendra Perkins is

Linda Hoiseth - ‘A’ game Librarian.

Library Media Tech Talk - Stony Evans' blog.

School Librarian Connection - Dianne McKenzie's consultancy - contains presentations from previous workshops.

Ser y Estar - Rafael Angel's blog, MYP educator and Workshop leader.

The Library Voice - Shannon McClintock Miller's blog.

What Ed Said -Edna Sackson. A passionate teacher, learner and inquirer.

Jen J's Booksheets - where Children's/YA literature and spreadsheets collide.

Pete the Librarian - He writes. He draws. He teaches.

Learning to Wear the Big Shoes - Tania Mansfield's blog, PYP Coordinator and Workshop leader.

Educator Voices A place to share and celebrate how we are pushing the boundaries, shaking up the system and challenging the status quo.

Alexandria Blog Your go-to for Ideas, Information, and Library Inspiration.

Facebook Groups

Helpful to connect with other librarians across the globe.

Future Ready Librarians - Our group is moderated by leaders of the Future Ready Schools Initiative ( and serves as a collaboration space for school leaders interested in learning and growing as librarians.

Hacking School Libraries (and other classrooms!) - This group is dedicated to supporting our students' education through "hacks," ways to efficiently improve our teaching and their learning.

Int'l School Library Connection - This group is for educators, particularly school librarians and others who have an interest in School Libraries from all over the globe.

The School Librarian's Workshop - An international forum and PLN for school librarians to ask for help, share successes, and give advice and support to their colleagues.

Library Associations and Groups

CILIP - the UK’s library and information association. Excellent Library and Resource Centre in central London. Has ‘special interest’ groups which you can join as a member. I am a member of the ‘Prison Librarians Group’ and ‘Rare Books Group’.

SLA - School Library Association UK. Excellent free (downloadable) resources.

International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) - the mission of the Association is to provide an international forum for people interested in promoting effective school library programs as viable instruments in the educational process

International School Libraries Network (Singapore) - International School Library Network (ISLN) is a Singapore Registered Society formed to provide support and professional development for school library staff or for people with with an interest in school libraries.

InTLlead - a grassroots leadership network of international school teacher librarians working together to develop future ready best practices in all aspects of international school librarianship

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) - The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users.

INFOLIT - Information Literacy Group

Project Information Literacy (PIL) - a nonprofit research institute that conducts ongoing, national studies on what it is like being a student in the digital age.


Visible Thinking - Visible Thinking is a flexible and systematic research-based conceptual framework, which aims to integrate the development of students' thinking with content learning across subject matters.

A Teacher’s Guide to Visible Thinking Activities - This is a practical guide to using thinking routines in the classroom, with quality ready-to-use activities for each type of routine.

Thinking Pathways - Exploring a range of ‘Thinking Pathways’ allows teachers and students to move beyond surface learning that focuses on the memorisation of knowledge and facts, to more deep and reflective learning that is focused on developing understanding through more active and constructive processes.

The FOSIL Group - FOSIL (Framework of Skills for Inquiry Learning) is a group of teachers and librarians working together to support independent learning.

CIS TK campus - Library Bytes for Parents by Nadine Bailey - great Libguide showing parent presentations.

Resources for School Librarians - site is maintained by Linda Bertland, school librarian (retired). Some excellent resources

School Librarians United - a podcast dedicated to the nuts and bolts of running a successful school library. Tune in to learn all about the issues and challenges school librarians face everyday! Run by Amy Hermon.

Library Juice Academy - offers a range of online professional development courses for librarians and archivists.

New York City School Library System - great resource with links to the Empire State Information Fluency Continuum (ESIFC) amongst other useful resources.

Skills for Schools UK


It is important to read job descriptions from revered, established schools (even if you are not looking for a job) as it is an informative way to stay up to date and focused in our profession.

Interview: approach all job interviews as a two-way conversation. The happier you are in your job, the better job will you do.

CV and Covering Letter: tailor your CV for each position. There is no such thing as a generic CV. Your CV should be no more than 2 pages. It must include a link to your ‘digital portfolio’ be it a blog or website. Keep and document evidence (text, photos, video) of your achievements within your current school.

Advocacy and communication: think about pitching articles for publication, join committees that interest you and seek out volunteer or placement opportunities. For certain countries I wanted to work in (Brazil, Portugal) I would contact the school regardless if an advertised position was available or not. If I applied to a school which I was keen on and had not received confirmation of my application or enquiry, I would telephone them direct. Positions arise unexpectedly and quickly (outwith the start of the school term) so be flexible.


International Schooling: The Teacher's Guide: A Companion to Your International Adventure (2020) - I’ve only read a sample chapter so far.


How to apply for international teaching jobs


TES - The Times Educational Supplement. Free.

Search Associates - join today. If you are not progressing consider changing your ‘associate’ to somebody with recruitment experience of Information and Library professionals. You are the customer. Be specific in the role you want and where. There are huge differences between positions of say, Library Director; Whole School Librarian; PYP Librarian. Cost.

Edvectus - nice ‘Learning Portal’

ISS-Schrole - excellent for schools in the Middle East and Australasia. Free.

GRC - Global Recruitment Collaborative

Joyjobs - awful interface but clever search/results led. Cost.

Gabbitas - bespoke educational consultancy for Library Leadership/Senior Management roles. UK based.

The Guardian (newspaper) Jobs.

International Baccalaureate - overlooked but essential for information roles.

Information Professional Jobs - useful overseas section - don’t forget further education (FE) which can be very rewarding; universities, colleges, adult education, community centres, night schools, higher education (bridge-schools), arts colleges, land-based colleges (agriculture), charities, not-for-profits, sixth form colleges, (youth) offender and rehabilitational learning.

ISR (International Schools Review) - excellent business model, but approach with an open mind.

Recruiter / Teacher Horizons / Teaching Abroad / Seek / True Teaching / Teach Anywhere / Worldwide / Teachers on the Move / Engage - similar


Libraries without Borders (Bibliothèques Sans Frontières) - get involved.

VSO - Untapped. Often life-changing voluntary positions for qualified experienced Librarians.

Sue Hill Recruitment - established specialists in the recruiting of Data, Marketing and Information and Knowledge Management roles.

Documents (published by The International Baccalaureate)

What is an IB Education?

The IB Continuum of international education

Ideal Libraries: A guide for Schools (2018) - essential, required reading (edited by Pilar Quezzaire, Curriculum Manager for Educational Technology and Design at the International Baccalaureate). Remember this is a guide for schools, not a guide per se for Librarians.

Ideal Libraries Guide in Practice - an excellent guide to the above mentioned ‘guide’ written by Klaudia Janek

Ideal Libraries in IB Document: Questions - more analysis from Dianne McKenzie

IB subject guides and other policy documents can be access through the MyIB website for candidate and authorized schools. Key documents where the Library is mentioned are:

Programme standards and Practices (2014) - briefly

Programme standards and Practices (2018) - in more detail

Documents - general

Investigating Knowledge - Connecting the IB Diploma Programme with the World of Research

School library concepts developed by an inquiry-approach curriculum organization : User experiences and perceptions about the Ideal Libraries document of the International Baccalaureate by Anthony Tilke (2019, American School of The Hague)

Redesigning your library means...... - short article by ‘digital designer’ David Jakes

Pushing Beyond Future-Ready: Creating a Bold Context for K-12 Libraries - rethinking the school library

Libraries in the 21st century: the struggle between perception and reality - excellent article

The 21st Century Librarian: How an IB workshop helped me transform my library - more useful articles at ‘further reading’

Hallinger, P., Walker, A., Law, E. & Lee, M. (2010). A study of successful practices in the IB programme continuum. Hong Kong Institute of Education. Focuses mostly on schools in Hong Kong. This research has also been commissioned by the IB. It looks at whole-school factors, with some detail (case study approach) for individual schools.

New Instruction Librarians Find Many Hats to Wear by Rebecca K. Miller (2017). American Libraries magazine article which discusses the ins and outs of our profession.

Available online/search:

From how to why: Critical thinking and academic integrity as key ingredients in information literacy teaching by Helene N. Andreassen, Torstein Låg, Vibeke Flytkjær, Mariann Løkse, Mark Stenersen & Lars Figenschou. The Arctic University of Norway (2014).

“The one who writes is the same as the one who reads”: Textual annotation, plagiarism and international students’ approaches to reading by Dr Saranne Weller. King’s College London, UK.

Academic Honesty

McGregor, J.H., & Streitenberger, D.C. (1998). Do scribes learn? Copying and information use. School Library Media Research Online 1998, 1.

Williamson, K., McGregor, J., Archibald, A., & Sullivan, J. (2007). Information seeking and use by secondary students: the link between good practice and the avoidance of plagiarism. School Library Media Research, 10.

Copyright for teachers - Curated and maintained by Dianne McKenzie

Did I plagiarise? - The Visual Communication Guy

Honesty, honestly… John Royce's blog

How important is Academic honesty? - Elizabeth Hutchinson's blog


School Librarians as Learning Leaders - excellent resources available from AASL (American Association of School Librarians)

Four Ways To Lead From The School Library - informative, up to date blog from Stony Evans about school library collaborations, new technology, and student voice. Recommended.

Literacy Matters! - Australian portal for teachers, librarians and researchers to use for advocacy and research purposes on the importance of literacy and reading.

Librarian Design Share - some excellent infographics. See also Kevin Hennah.

Saving School Libraries: how Technology and Innovation help them stay relevant - in-depth passionate article by Matt Lynch (2016)

How To Speak Administrator: tips on language and presentation to get administrators to listen (and act) when advocating for the library - important article from the SLJ (School Library Journal)

Mike Caulfield - great voice in championing safe, ethical online information literacy

Approaches to Learning (ATL) and Teaching (ATT)

The IB has identified five essential skills for their ATL skills; research, communication, self-management, social and thinking.

The Relevant Educator by Adam Pierce

Carol Ann Tomlinson - numerous articles available by an expert in differentiated instruction

John Zola - respected teaching strategies

The Art of Learning - a compendium of ATL resources by Lance King

The Excited Educator - Lenny Dutton’s ATL Toolkit is essential. Free posters.

Connected Learning

Connected learning is a learning framework that integrates personal interest, peer relationships, and achievement in academic, civic, or career related areas

Sylvia Duckworth - Connect, Collaborate, Create with the Queen of sketchnotes

Connected Learning Alliance - plus excellent blog

Connected Learning Leadeship - okay website which provides tools and resources for educators to encourage creativity in the classroom

Educator Innovator - active and backed by the MacArthur Foundation

Inclusive Education

Some recommended resources which highlight the importance of learning diversity and inclusion in IB programmes

IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia – Revised and extended

Picture This: Diversity in Children’s Books

Inclusive visuals

Bilingual Glossaries and Cognates

Specific Learning Differences - sometimes referred to as Specific Learning Difficulties. It is mandatory that a Librarian is aware of SpLDs. The most common SpLDs are Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia. Lighting, sound and signage within a Library are vital components for student welfare and wellbeing. Good article (pdf) here

International Mindedness

Interculturalism - The Iceberg-Model: A clear way to visualise culture.

Global Literature in Libraries Initiative - Global Literature in Libraries Initiative Publishers Showcase (pdf).

Literature Map of the World - very cool

International Children's Digital Library - multilingual; excellent links

The Tree of Languages - wonderful infographics

Developing a Mother Tongue Collection - very good article written by Jeremy Willette, from AISC in Chennai

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Extended Essay (EE)

The Young Researcher - a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the best original research from secondary school students.

Michael Dunn - worth following on twitter @Critivicate - 10/10, five gold stars

WAB Green Sky Studio - Jeri Hurd is a hugely influential High School Librarian working in one of Asia’s best schools (WAB in Beijing)

TOK 2022 - packed with useful information

Gr. 11 Research - by Yvonne Barrett

Why teach ''research as a conversation'' in freshman composition courses? a metaphor to help librarians and composition instructors develop a shared model by P. McMillen, E. Hill (2004)


IASL - International Association of School Librarianship Annual Conference. Held every year. Great for networking. See ‘GiggleIT for Educators’

ECIS - the Educational Collaborative for International Schools hosts a revered Triennial Librarians' Conference (held every three years). Also runs the excellent iskoodle listserv (Interest Committees / Library and Information Services)

SLA - excellent (cheap) short weekend courses held throughout the UK


Learner Profile posters also the IB website has a vast array of multilingual posters and flyers for free download.

Professional Development

The role of the Librarian - DP, CP, MYP, PYP - Category 3: Virtual | IBSCA - useful course also offered by amongst others the IB, IBICUS and IBSCA

More courses… find an IB development workshop near you


I am often asked by teachers how to become a Librarian. What qualifications are required? How much does it cost? The truth is it depends on where you want to do the qualification and how much you want to invest time and energy wise and how much you want to spend.

Below are my suggestions for the UK only.

Librarianship (UK):

University of Aberystwyth (Wales) - MA Information and Library Studies. Highly regarded course; focused on 'the ‘information economy’.

University of Loughborough - MSc Information Management and Business Technology

University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland) - MSc/PgDipInformation & Library Studies. Excellent placement options.

Northumbria University (Newcastle, England) - Information Science MSc - Library Management. 2 Years by Distance Learning.

Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen, Scotland) - MSc/PgCert/PgDip Information and Library Studies. Heavy on theory.

The University of Sheffield - MA Librarianship

Teacher-Librarian (UK):

University of Bath - Postgraduate Certificate in International Education (PGCiE)

University of East London - International Postgraduate Certificate in Education (iPGCE)

University of Edinburgh - Digital Education (Online Learning)

University of Nottingham - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International) (PGCEi)

The University of Sheffield - International Postgraduate Certificate in Education (iPGCE)

University of Sunderland - PGCE Education Independent Distance Learning (IDL). Popular and the cheapest tuition fee in the UK.


Seth Stanford has created an excellent resource for those who are considering a career as a Librarian:

BestColleges have an excellent selection of online teaching programs, including some interesting bootcamps. For bespoke advice about any courses listed please contact Neil Thomas | Communications Coordinator

Enrol Education (USA) - publish unbiased, professionally reviewed content that helps current and prospective college students looking for guidance on training & educational opportunities. Their information is reviewed by top-tier professionals in the library science and informatics spaces. They have recently updated their Library Science Education Guides that include lists of scholarships, comprehensive degree program data, licensing & certification info by state, and career profiles for the industry:

Charles Sturt University (Australia) - Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship)

Grantham University (USA) - Information Management Technology

Unshushed course - edX

Off-Site College of New Jersey - Teaching Certification that can be done in different locations around the world

ALA eLearning Courses


Arts and Humanities Research Council - can cover fees and maintenance. The department itself offers scholarships, which means about a third off the fees.

CILIP (the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) provides loans for professional development.

Further Professional Development:

CILIP’s Chartership is definitely worth applying for, as is their Fellowship - both highly rated and achievable programs.