Photograph by Julie Lawrenson; Tuol Tompoung Primary School, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Publications, events and conferences
See where your career can take you. Information Professional magazine with Rob Green (July/August 2023)
Follett Destiny and the International Librarian: An Interview with Graeme Boyd of Lincoln Community School, Accra, Ghana (March 2023)
School Librarians United. Podcast hosted by Amy Hermon with Klaudia Janek discussing resources for supporting libraries and librarians within the International Baccalaureate curricula (February 2023)
How to Encourage your Child to be a Reader (October 2022)
LCS Libraries: Reading and Online Resources (February 2022) online workshop with Anthony Tilke. Focus on: Inquiry and Research and the DP School Librarian, 18th November 2021
AISA 2021 Virtual Conference Facilitator - School Libraries Connecting and Empowering Local Communities Video presentation (November 2021)
TODDLE The Inquiry Educators Summit (March 2022)
Noodletools for Citing Sources (October 2021)
Banned Books Week - Books Unite Us. versus Censorship Divides Us (September 2021)
The Importance of a School Library during Covid-19 (The Times Educational Supplement, May 2020)
Thought Leadership: An Unlikely Partnership Between School Librarian and School Counsellor (The International Educator, April 2020)
The Librarian’s voice should be heard, as much as any Teacher’s (International Baccalaureate blog, May 2017)
Facts at your fingertips (The Guardian UK, November 2006)
Media Librarians Handbook (Facet Publishing UK, 2008 (online publication June 2018))
Ian Rankin at HMP Wandsworth (The Times UK, November 2004)
AGIS VR presentation (Association of German International Schools, 2018)